INSTRUCTIONS: Please print this form out and then close the tab/window to return to the previous page.

The IAI automatically created accounts for anyone with a current certification. It is pertinent that you use this account instead of creating a new one. This will allow us to align your past activities with your current actions. Please follow the instructions below to gain access to your account. Note: This only applies to you if you have a current (not expired) application. If you are unsure of your status, you may also follow these steps.


You can determine which account we created for you by attempting to reset the password. The steps below will walk you through the process.

  1. Start at our home page, http://theiaicertification.org
  2. Click on, "I Have An Account"
  3. Select, "Need a password reset? Click here."
  4. Enter the email address you wish to attempt a password reset for. Note: Test the email address you believe the IAI should have on file for you. You may test multiple addresses.
  5. Click, "Reset My Password". You will receive immediate feedback stating the reset succeeded or that the email address could not be found.
  1. If the reset succeeded, you will receive an email within 15 min. Follow the instructions contained to get access to the site.
  2. If the reset did not succeed, you should try any other email addresses you believe the IAI might have. Test as many email addresses as needed.
  3. If the password resets attempted were not successful or you did not receive an email, it is time to contact us. Please use the "Contact Us" link at the top of our main page. Be sure to provide your full name, contact information, and existing certification number(s). We'll get you set up!

This is a one time process. Thank you!